Views and Sections of Microsoft Excel Worksheets

 Understanding Worksheets and Functions - Understanding an Excel worksheet is a spreadsheet that functions as a place for user input of data through cells, processed and displayed in the workbook. The data is organized by the workbook so that it can be moved or copied to another worksheet. The worksheet consists of rows (rows) and columns (columns). Based on the number of rows and columns in Microsoft Excel, the Microsoft Excel worksheet contains 17,179,869,184 cells.

Excel row

Microsoft Excel rows identify cells horizontally. Microsoft Excel rows are identified from row 1 - 1,048,576, so the number of rows in Microsoft Excel is 1048576 rows. You can go to the last row cell with Ctrl + Page Down.

Excel column

Columns in Microsoft Excel identify cells vertically. Microsoft Excel columns are identified starting with the letters A-XFD, so the number of Microsoft Excel columns is 16,384. You can go to the last column cell with Ctrl + End.

How to Name a Worksheet

Microsoft Excel worksheets by default are named "sheet1", "sheet2", and so on; as shown above on the worksheet tab. You can change the worksheet name to make it easier when working with multiple sheets in one workbook. Simply double-click the sheet name on the sheet tab or right-click the sheet name and select rename. bandarq online

How to Delete and Add Worksheets 

To add a worksheet, it can be done by clicking the + (plus) sign on the Microsoft Excel sheet tab. Meanwhile, to delete you can right-click the sheet name you want to delete and select delete.

There are several options displayed when the user right-click on the Microsoft Excel sheet tab.


Used to add new worksheets and other types of worksheets.


Used to delete worksheets.


Used to rename the highlighted tab.

Move or Copy

Used to sort worksheets or duplicate worksheets.

View Code

Used to display Visual Basic / Macro code on a worksheet.

Protect Sheet

Used to secure worksheets such as adding passwords.

Color tab

To change the highlighted sheet tab color.


To hide a worksheet, so that it doesn't appear on the sheet tabs.


To show hidden worksheets again.

Select All

To select all worksheets in the active workbook.

Navigation Buttons (Sheet Tab)

When working with multiple sheets, Microsoft Excel will enable navigation buttons on the sheet tabs to move from one worksheet to another.

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